Help Center
We want you to enjoy your online courses with Fine Woodworking®. Here are the most helpful hints and tips for our eLearning platform.

Don't miss a message from us!
Purchase Confirmations, Password Resets, Class Announcements and Updates will come from one of the following kajabimail addresses:
[email protected]
[email protected]
Please check your spam and junk folders if you do not see our messages in your inbox.
Mark this email address as "safe" and add it to your contacts.

Log In
We encourage you to sign into the course site and get acquainted with the functionality.
To log in, please visit:
Enter your email address and password, then click "Submit"
This will bring you to your Welcome screen called the "Dashboard."

Password Recovery
To reset your password, please visit:
Click "Forgot Password"
A "Recover Password" screen will appear. Enter your email address that you used at time of purchase.
You will receive an email from Fine Woodworking [email protected] with instructions to reset your password.
Note: It may take up to 5 minutes for the email to arrive. If you do not see the reset email in your inbox, check your spam and junk folders.
Still having trouble logging in? Let us know! Click here to contact us.

On-Demand Video Lessons
Our premium online courses are On-Demand, which allows you to learn at your own pace. Video lessons are not live events, and you are not expected to log in at a certain date or time to participate.
Courses are divided into chapters. Each chapter will contain related video lessons.
Watch the videos and practice the exercises. If you have questions, you’ll be able to submit them to the instructor.

Live Q&A
The Question and Answer segments for each course are held live in a webinar format. You will receive an email invitation from Zoom for the live Q&A sessions.
Zoom invitations will come from:
[email protected]
Download Zoom! We don't want you to miss the first few minutes of the session. Please make sure you download the Zoom desktop client, or the mobile app, prior to the live Q&A.
Click HERE for information on how to download the Zoom client or mobile app.

To update your profile and participate in the Member Directory, please go to Settings.
At the top right of the page, you will see your avatar (small gray circle). Click on the avatar and select "Settings"

Profile Settings
Under Personal Settings, you can check the spelling of your name and add a profile picture. A profile picture will change the appearance of your avatar.
Don't miss an update from us! We recommend keeping all notifications turned on.
After updating your profile, scroll to the bottom of the page and click "Save."
Note: When updating settings, you are not obligated to fill in or update your password in the "Password" field.

Social Profile
Please add any of your social media profile links. Then check the box that says, "I agree to share my profile information with other members on this site." Granting this permission gives you access to the Member Directory and makes your profile visible to other class participants.
After updating your profile, scroll to the bottom of the page and click "Save." Note: You are not obligated to fill in or update your password in the "Password" field.

Some of our courses include a "Community" feature for like-minded individuals. Participants can interact with each other, ask questions, problem-solve, and post photos. The community has direct access to the instructors and Fine Woodworking team members. We enjoy talking to you and seeing your progress!

Member Directory
The Membership Directory is a feature of the Community. This only applies to courses with a Community. For access to the Member Directory, you must agree to share your profile information. You can do this by going into Settings, then to Social Profile, and checking the box that says, "I agree to share my profile information with other members of this site." Granting permission gives you access to the Member Directory and makes your profile visible to other course participants.
Note: Updating your personal settings and social profile is completely optional. You do not have to add personal information or opt-in to the Member Directory to participate in the course or use the community feature.

What is Kajabi?
You keep seeing this word, "Kajabi." But, what is it? Put simply, Kajabi is the business platform we are using for Fine Woodworking eLearning courses. We wanted a terrific online learning experience for our customers. Kajabi offers user-friendly features and makes it easy for us to deliver the best content straight to your computer, tablet, and phone.
Do you have a question about a specific course?
Please check out:
We are pleased to offer a discount to all active duty, reserve, and military veterans.
Apply for Military DiscountStill have a question? Reach out and someone on our team will contact you.
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